Sankofa Summer School

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Registration for single Sankofa Summer School classes. You can select multiple options, and if you're registering for classes based on their tracks (History; Identity & Culture; Faith & Spirituality; Art & Media; Health & Wellness), you can make registration easier by selecting a bundled option below

Suggested donations:

$25 per individual class

$45 for a bundle of 2 classes

$65 for a bundle of 3 classes

$90 for a bundle of 4 classes

$200 for the entire curriculum

Again, this is a pay-what-you-can structure. If you have $0 then you pay ZERO. If you can afford to give more, we welcome your contributions. We want any and everyone to access this information, so we have removed financial barriers and trust our community to provide.

Read full descriptions of each class here

Donate and become part of one of our giving circles here.


Unraveling Africa’s Heart of Darkness: The Afrocentric Lens as a Demonstrative Tool | Courtney Carr, Ph.D | July 30, 2024

Beyond King Leopold’s Ghost: Deconstructing Systematic Racism Against the Congolese People | Abiola Agoro | August 8, 2024

What Does It Mean to Be Black? | Michelle B. Taylor, Ph.D., M.S.W.

Black, White & In Color: African American Faith and Spirituality from Slavery to the Present | Erica Chew | August 5, 2024

“Stop Runnin’ Up My Light Bill!”: How Do WE Deal With the Energy Crisis? | Damali Harding, MBA | July 31, 2024

Science & Technology

“Stop Runnin’ Up My Light Bill!”: How Do WE Deal With the Energy Crisis? | Damali Harding, MBA | July 31, 2024

Sex & Sexuality

Ubuntu and Elation: Cultivating Communal Joy and Embodied Pleasure | Jeri Ogden, Ed.D. | August 1, 2024

Faith & Spirituality

Black, White & In Color: African American Faith and Spirituality from Slavery to the Present | Erica Chew | August 5, 2024

“I Am Because We Are”: Cultivating Ancestral Connections | Faheema Salahud-Din Floyd | August 7, 2024

Art & Media

Reflection Eternal: Hip-Hop, an African Folk Art Birthed in America | Timothy Welbeck, Esq. | August 6, 2024

Homegrown Pedagogy: We Already Had It | Niki Irene | August 14, 2024

Hip Hop & The ‘Diaspora Wars’ | Michelle Taylor, Ph.D. and Monzurat Oni, M.A. | August 15, 2024

Health & Wellness

“They Not Like Us”: The Disillusion of Black Mental Health Care | Michelle B. Taylor, Ph.D., M.S.W. w/ Asa Todd | August 12, 2024

Ubuntu and Elation: Cultivating Communal Joy and Embodied Pleasure | Jeri Ogden, Ed.D. | August 1, 2024

Identity & Culture

Hip Hop & The ‘Diaspora Wars’ | Michelle Taylor, Ph.D. and Monzurat Oni, M.A. | August 15, 2024

“I Am Because We Are”: Cultivating Ancestral Connections | Faheema Salahud-Din Floyd | August 7, 2024

Unraveling Africa’s Heart of Darkness: The Afrocentric Lens as a Demonstrative Tool | Courtney Carr, Ph.D | July 30, 2024

What Does It Mean to Be Black? | Michelle B. Taylor, Ph.D., M.S.W.

Registration requires an email address for communication related to access. Please include it in your registration.

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No Refunds

Because this is a pay-what-you-can structure, we receive each payment as a donation towards our work. As such, we do not offer refunds after your registration is confirmed.

Last updated Jul 5, 2024

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Sankofa Summer School

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